Haskell: derive (>>=) via fmap and join

Jacob Tan En
2 min readJan 25, 2021

By substituting types and type constraints.

(Demonstrating mathematical thinking. And why some basic abstract maths knowledge is a prerequisite to properly understanding Haskell without guessing so much.)


bind :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> m a -> m b


join :: Monad m =>
m (m a) -> m a
fmap :: Functor f =>
(a -> b) -> f a -> f b

From the above most-general type signature of fmap, we can derive a more specialised type signature by substituting f b for b , which produces:

fmap :: Functor f
=> (a -> f b) -> f a -> f (f b)

Compare this to the type signature for bind, and see that the input signatures are almost identical.

Brief note on type constraints: Functor f => means f must be a functor. Monad m => means m must be a monad. Since Monad is a more specialised form of Functor , and we can turn the more-general Functor f => constraint into the more-specific Monad m => constraint.

(On the other hand, it is invalid to turn a more-specific constraint into a more-general constraint. I.e. tightening constraints is valid, but loosening constraints is not valid.)

Then we have:

fmap :: Monad m
=> (a -> m b) -> m a -> m (m b)

(Substitute Monad m => for Functor f => . This is a valid substitution, as explained above.)

Now this specialised version of fmap is extremely similar to the required bind .

The rest should be obvious.

Regarding mathematical thinking and abstract maths:

The process of substitution is not hard by itself, but having the formal training helps one to know with 100% certainty what kind of substitutions are valid, and avoid wasting time performing invalid substitutions and wondering what’s going on. And also understanding how to perform 100% watertight logical deduction, given a set of mathematical rules (axioms / theorems).

These ideas are not properly explained by Haskell learning material.

Some people are lucky in that they intuitively “get it”. But I suspect many are not so lucky to have the correct intuition at first.

